We are gathered at the table for a time such as this. I am humbled to serve as the next executive vice president of this great organization.

Serving Wyoming agriculture has been part of who I am since my early years. Growing up on a family ranch, the values of hard work, honesty, integrity and standing up for what you believe were instilled in me from a young age. I think back to my ancestors and the work they did to produce food when they founded the family ranch in 1887. It reminds me of the quote: “When people don’t have food, they only have one problem…when people have food they have lots of problems.”

This rings true today. When people have food it becomes easier to seek problems. Often times this can turn into unnecessary regulations impacting food production. We must continually advocate to keep agriculture strong in Wyoming and America.

Many of the issues resurface over time or come in new packages. You all are living these issues right now…from property rights to the push to make non-use a use on federal lands to the changing property tax structure in Wyoming to endangered species to water and much more. We must remain diligent in our work.

Members…you make a difference. Gathering at the table makes a difference. You are a part of the grassroots efforts happening across the nation through the Farm Bureau family to chart the course for a strong agriculture. 

The foundation of the grassroots structure of the Federation is solid. We need all types of volunteers to continue building on the foundation of those who have come before us. Whether you find value in policy work, advocacy, education or leadership…it takes all types of volunteers to contribute to the agriculture advocacy work of the organization. 

I have been blessed to work for this organization for 30 years and am honored to continue my service to agriculture through this new role with the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation. The opportunity to impact the organization, Wyoming agriculture, WyFB members and staff and more as the executive vice president is one I take on with reverence for those who have made the organization what it is today. 

It is important to note I am not replacing anyone. No one can be replaced. I am the next executive vice president of the organization, and I am so very honored to continue building on the strong foundation of our organization. To add the effect of my leadership is an incredible honor that my family and I do not take lightly. 

My family’s life verse is Proverbs 3:5. We will continue to trust in the Lord as he leads the way in this new role. As He leads the way in this new phase of life for our family, my priorities remain the same … #1 My faith in Jesus; #2 My family; and #3 Farm Bureau. 

I believe we are made for a time such as this. I am honored and humbled by the support of this organization and our members as we continue working to keep agriculture strong here in Wyoming.

As you gather around the table at your home and at Farm Bureau Federation meetings, I ask you to consider what your legacy will be as a Farm Bureau Federation member. We have an ability to make a difference and chart the course for the future.

We are truly made for a time such as this. Let’s get to work.