Grassroots Lobbying and Agriculture Policy
Legislative Priorities 2025
Each year the Wyoming Legislature meets and makes decisions that affect us all. With less than two percent of the population producing food and fiber for our nation it is essential to have a voice when it comes to the new agriculture policy, laws, and regulations that affect your lifestyle. Grassroots lobbying is a large part of how Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation serves as your voice for agriculture. The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation represents its members who are at home producing food and fiber for our nation.
Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation policy is set through our grassroots policy development process. New agriculture policy development begins at the county level with members making decisions. The agriculture policy continues moving through the policy development process with consideration at the district, state and national levels. The policies adopted by Farm Bureau Federation members guide the work of the agriculture organization. This process makes Farm Bureau Federation’s grassroots lobbying successful. Legislators know Farm Bureau Federation lobbyists work straight from the policy book created by members beginning at the county level. Farm Bureau grassroots lobbyists work throughout the year on existing and new agriculture policy issues using member adopted policy to set positions on issues affecting the members.
The mission of the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is: “To represent the voices of Wyoming farmers and ranchers through grassroots policy development while focusing on protecting private property rights, strengthening agriculture, and supporting farm and ranch families through advocacy, education, and leadership development.” Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation grassroots lobbyists work hard to ensure this mission is fulfilled.
Quick Links
Wyoming Legislative Website—bill status, meeting dates, general information