WYFB Standing Committees
State Government Affairs (SGA) Committee
The State Government Affairs Committee (SGA) works on issues of Farm Bureau Federation members which need legislative solutions. The issues this committee works on are constantly changing in response to the needs of our members. Many of the other committees work with the SGA Committee on state and national issues that have surfaced which will need legislative action.
SGA Committee Chair
James Ramsay
Farson, WY
SGA Committee Vice Chair
Tucker Hamilton
Osage, WY
Ag Tax Committee
The Agricultural Tax Committee deals with issues which have an impact on the monetary or taxing problems of Farm Bureau Federation members. Some of the broad headings are government spending, tax increases, severance tax limitations and earmarking severance taxes, ag land assessments, estate taxes, bankruptcy, interest rates and agricultural credit.
Ag Tax Committee Chair
Bill Jennings
Riverton, WY
Ag Tax Committee Vice Chair
Lex Geer
Gillette, WY
Natural and Environmental Resources (NER) Committee
The Natural and Environmental Resources (NER) Committee works on natural resource and environmental issues which affect Farm Bureau Federation members. These issues include water, endangered species, management of federal, state and private lands, management of wildlife, pesticides, waste management and predator control.
NER Committee Chair
Kyle Berger
Saratoga, WY
NER Committee Vice Chair
Leanne Correll
Thermopolis, WY
General Issues (GI) Committee
The General Issues (GI) committee deals with a wide variety of issues which impact farmers and ranchers. These issues include: farm labor, animal welfare, transportation and communication, health, safety and education.
GI Committee Chair
Toni Swartz
Gillette, WY
Young Farmer & Rancher Committee
The purpose is to give young farmers and ranchers, serving as a committee within the organization structure, the opportunity to recommend programs and activities that will encourage participation of young farmers and ranchers in both the WyFB YF&R program and the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation.
YF&R Committee Chair
Cody Alps
Yoder, WY