Laramie-The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation (WyFB) awarded $5,500 in college scholarships to nine young Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation members for the 2023-24 school year. “Investing in the youth of our great state as they work to accomplish their academic goals is important to the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation,” said Todd Fornstrom, WyFB President. “We are proud to honor these outstanding individuals with college scholarships to play a small part in helping them achieve their goals.” The Livingston-King Scholarship, valued at $1,500, is given in honor of Herbert D. Livingston and H.J. King, former presidents of Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation, as well as Buddy and Norma Livingston, the parents of former WyFB President Perry Livingston. The 2023 Livingston-King scholarship was awarded to Madison Greer, of Hyattville. She will be a freshman at Sheridan College studying plant science. Her parents are Tyler and Amber Greer. The five Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Scholarships are $500 each.  The 2023 recipients are:
  • Lily Crago, of Kaycee. Crago will be a freshman studying political science and agriculture/communications. Her parents are Barry and Kristen Crago.
  • Kailee Gill, of Moorcroft. Gill will be a freshman at Eastern Wyoming College where she will be studying ag business/equine science. Her parents are Gabe and Jenni Gill.
  • Hannah Lee, of Encampment. Lee will be a freshman studying veterinary technology at Eastern Wyoming College. Her parents are James and Gail Lee.
  • Annamae Hoopes, of Sheridan. Hoopes will be a freshman at the University of Wyoming pursuing a degree in education. Her parents are Kendal and Lenore Hoopes.
  • Jacey McDaniel, of Wheatland. McDaniel will be a freshman at the University of Wyoming pursuing a nursing degree. She is the daughter of Denise McDaniel.
Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation also awards three Continuing Education Scholarships of $500 each.  Students receiving a Continuing Education Scholarship must be an entering college sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student. The 2023 recipients are:
  • Sydnie Fornstrom, of Pine Bluffs. Fornstrom will be a senior at the University of Wyoming studying accounting with minors in agribusiness and human resource management. Her parents are Todd and Laura Fornstrom.
  • Dane Catlin, of Robertson. Catlin is studying kinesiology and health sciences at the University of Wyoming. His goal is to become a neurosurgeon. Dane’s parents are Steve and Dana Catlin.
  • McKinly Hepp, of Clearmont. Hepp will be a sophomore at Sheridan College where she is studying rangeland management. Her parents are Randy and Kristen Hepp.
Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Scholarship applications are due March 1st each year and are available online at “Congratulations to each of the recipients,” Fornstrom concluded. “We wish them the best in their continued education endeavors.” The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general agriculture organization. The mission of the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation is to represent the voices of Wyoming farmers and ranchers through grassroots policy development while focusing on protecting private property rights, strengthening agriculture, and supporting farm and ranch families through advocacy, education, and leadership development.