YF&R Committee
The purpose of the WyFB YF&R Committee is: To give young farmers and ranchers, serving as a committee within the organization structure, the opportunity to recommend programs and activities that will encourage participation of young farmers and ranchers in both the YF&R and total Farm Bureau Federation program.
District representative committee members serve a two-year term. Each district has one position open for election each year during the fall. The at-large position is a one-year term and is voted on at the state annual meeting. An individual or a couple can hold each committee position. The chair, vice chair, secretary and parliamentarian are elected from within the committee at the state annual meeting.
During the time on the committee, members are given vast amounts of training on leadership qualities, issues briefing, as well as honing other professional skills.
The committee members are a dedicated group of individuals who work hard to ensure the ideals of the Farm Bureau Federation are upheld and continue to represent farmers and ranchers throughout Wyoming.
WyFB YF&R Committee Application
Committee Officers

District Representatives

Zack & Hannah Guild
Southwest District
Ft. Bridger, WY

Northeast District